When You Know You Can Eat When You Are Hungry, Not Eating When You Are Not Hungry Gets Easier
As I was eating this delicious chicken sandwich and fries, I was thinking about all the wonderful people who have emailed me and wondered if they really could be free of dieting, eat the food they love, and still be happy with their size.
Here are some of the ways your mind will change:
Diet Mentality– Well I ate two french fries, I might as well eat them all and the whole sandwich because I already blew it and I will start again Monday.
Healthy Thin Mentality– These french fries are so good. And so is this chicken. Yum. Okay, hunger is gone. No way will I eat the rest of this sandwich because shoving food down without hunger feels AWFUL. It didn’t used to feel bad- but now that I have tied eating to hunger- my body begs me not to eat when I am not hungry. Yes This Happens!!
Diet Mentality– I am so mad at myself for ordering something I couldn’t resist
Healthy Thin Mentality– I love this food! Okay, now I am not hungry anymore. I will save the rest. No way am I eating without hunger- that would be weird.
Diet Mentality– I saw this woman eating french fries. If I eat one, I gain 5 pounds
Healthy Thin Mentality– Nothing is fattening when you are hungry, Everything is fattening when you are not!
Join me in this world of enjoying food, your body, and having the time and energy for better things than food obsession! Change your mind and your body will follow…. beautifully.