Response To Question “What About Emotional Eaters?”
What do we humans do to comfort ourselves? We rest, we eat, we hug. Basic drives, right?
There is nothing wrong with providing your fantastic body with some comfort in the form of food that you love! People may call that eating emotionally. I call it normal.
When I am “down” for some reason and want to take care of myself, I wait for hunger and take extra effort to take care of myself in the nicest way I can. And that includes eating the food I love the most, in a nice setting, etc. Whether that is at my kitchen table, or in a restaurant, or in my bed, while I am watching TV. Yep! I eat in bed watching TV- a big dieter no-no. But since my healthy thin mentality is strong, it is no problem. I have my snack or whatever in the most comfortable place I can find, maybe my warm bed, and enjoy myself, feeling taken care of, and wonderful.
I do not feel guilty or bad afterward. Why would I? I waited until I was hungry and had ate delicious food and l enjoyed it until I wasn’t hungry anymore, and then relaxed and read, or watched TV or whatever. What a wonderful way to end a hard day and “comfort” myself.
This is possible for me because my body and I have built a “trust relationship.” I will not starve my body on a diet and my body will not push me into bingeing. I promise my body that I will feed it when I am hungry, and I will not push food into it when hunger is absent.
You need to build that same trust with your body. Because, at this point, you may picture yourself eating emotionally by finishing a whole bag of potato chips.
Let me emphasize:
No, that is not what I do, nor is it what I recommend for anyone. Instead, follow this healthy thin mentality behavior:
If I feel the need to comfort myself (eat emotionally) I first tell myself, “fine, as soon as I am hungry, I can comfort myself with food. Then when I get hungry, if I am craving potato chips, and I do, (I don’t know or care why, I trust myself) I take a little bowl and put a handful in it.
You may say,”Well if I can eat what I want, why don’t I just take the whole bag?”
OK, here is why. Because I know, from experience, that when I crave potato chips, I am usually satisfied with a handful. They are delicious, but hold no magic power over me the way they did when I was a dieter. And since I am “allowed” to have them whenever I am hungry, it just isn’t a big deal. I enjoy them, a lot, but they aren’t magic! I can put them down!
You will be able to too.
Start right now. No more diets. Take that possibility away and your whole view of food and eating changes completely. Your motivation to eat emotionally when you are not hungry will get weaker and weaker.
You will normalize your relationship with food. Then, when you need to comfort yourself with food, you will do so appropriately. (Appropriate amounts, when hungry.)
The diet industry has taught you that this isn’t true.
I am telling you that IT IS!