Neuroscientist Explains Why Diets Are Fattening

I am delighted that Sandra Aamodt, Ph.D, a neuroscientist whose Ted Talk I have recommended many times, now has written a book called, Why Diets Make Us Fat.

It is great to have a common sense approach to eating and dieting supported by Dr. Aamodt.

For those of you who may have had doubts about my advice, check out her Ted Talk on YouTube

And remember:

  • Dieting makes you more likely to be heavier over time.
  • Dieting doesn’t work – 78.6 million Americans are OBESE and many of these obese people got there by yo-yo dieting.
  • Stress causes your body to release hormones that are related to weight gain.  Diets cause stress…. Hmm..

I created my workbook to guide you through the transition from diet mentality to healthy thin mentality. (Available on this site)  Also, please:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for  for an upcoming series using my WorkBook as a guide. YouTube Page for an upcoming series using my WorkBook as a guide.

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