Good Food/Bad Food Mentality Leads To Weight GAIN, Not Loss
I was so fed up with dieting and eating right that when I started my healthy thin mentality, I ate “bad” for at least a couple of months- maybe even 6? You know what? It didn’t hurt me AT ALL. It did free me. I only ate for hunger, so I didn’t gain weight (at least not that made my pants feel any different bc I wasn’t weighing myself) but I ate without judging the food.
You know what DID happen? That “bad” food lost its appeal. I think that many of us, especially if you have been a dieter for a long time, can’t turn that good food/bad food voice off. So it is hard for us to eat without judgment. And if we don’t get all the right nutrition everyday, we get all concerned.
In our culture we OVER worry about nutrition and UNDER worry about portion. So here is my advice. Allow yourself to focus on the portion part of your eating – and of course that means eating in response to hunger and not in response to a food pyramid.
By the way the USDA food pyramid was not based on science, it was based on food lobbyists.
In any case, over time, you taste buds will crave healthful food too. You say you don’t like veggies or fruit? Well they are associated in your mind with all kinds of negative thoughts- diet, deprivation, eating them instead of what you really want. They will come back in your life.
Give yourself a chance and focus on satisfying hunger and not on perfect nutrition.