I watched a YouTube video from Bert Herring, M.D. who worked at the prestigious National Institute of Health. He developed the Fast Five diet and I wanted to learn more about it. I am always on the prowl for new diets because I want to see how they are packaging their messaging so I can warn you!
If you watch this video, please let me emphasize that I am not endorsing this diet.
But there are parts of his message that strike a chord with me. Especially this:
He advocates trusting your body to guide you in food choices. I LOVE this. But I am a “lay person” telling you to trust your body because your body knows what it needs. And he is a doctor saying that to you.
So although I disagree with the rules he sets forth about eating, I just wanted you to hear this from a medical person so that maybe it will help you trust yourself more.He also says that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is an advertisement for breakfast, not sound medical advice.Wow- I love that and agree whole heartedly. What matters? Hunger matters. Not hungry for breakfast- don’t eat!He also makes a good point about how your health is so much more than what you put into your mouth. It is about your life, and if your life is enriching, and if you enrich others.I think that part of his talk is powerful stuff.
Bottom line: We focus too much on food and eating perfectly. We fear hunger, instead of embracing it as a great communication tool from our body. We try to squish or cravings instead of trying to listen to them to understand what we need.
Your body wants to be in its ideal weight range. Let it take you there.