Do You Water Your Flowers When It Is Raining?

Watering the flowers in the rain.

Bring this analogy to mind whenever you are eating without hunger.

Imagine it is raining outside and then picture yourself standing there, with a hose, watering your flowers.  Doesn’t that seem ridiculous?

It is just as ridiculous to eat without hunger as it is to water flowers in the rain.

But over and over again, we have been told to ignore the “weather,”  (your hunger, your lack of hunger)  and water your flowers (eat) based on some schedule instead of your actual needs.

I know, I know, you think you don’t know your needs.  Stop.

But your amazingly resilient body is just waiting for you to start listening again.  You will do return to your ideal weight doing things such as:

  • Sit at dinner and not eat because you aren’t hungry.
  • Eat a cookie in front of everyone because you are hungry for a sweet.
  • Eat salad for breakfast because you wanted it.
  • Eat waffles for dinner because you felt like it.

NO food rules, no deprivation, no struggle.

Hungry? Eat.  What do you eat?

Use your common sense and eat food that makes you feel good.  If you love spicy food but it makes you feel sick, do you eat it?  No.  If you eat chocolate and it makes your pms go away should you eat it when you are hungry for it?  Yes.  If you drink milk and it upsets your stomach should you drink it? No!  If you love bread pudding but you feel tired and sleepy after you eat it should you eat it?  Duh!!!  NO.  If you eat a kale salad with salmon and you feel great for hours afterwards should you eat it? Well, what do you think?

People, use common sense and stop paying for food advice.

Not hungry?  Stop watering your flowers in the rain.