All The Things You May Be Feeling…

Do not underestimate how large a perspective shift it is to go from being a dieter to someone with a “thin mentality.”

  1. That you will doubt yourself.
  2. That you will have a hard time letting go of “good” food versus “bad” food judgments.
  3. That you may wish you could say to yourself, “I will eat this, and diet tomorrow.”
  4. That it is a big adjustment to view eating as a normal response to hunger.
  5. That once you have eaten something you formerly viewed as “bad” you are “worried.”
  6. That other people won’t understand why you are eating differently.

How do you make it through all of this anxiety?

Keep your expectations low at the beginning.

Think baby steps.  Every time you eat an appropriate food in an appropriate amount (eating what you craved when you were hungry) you make a little step.  Your instincts and your body’s voice will get louder and louder the more you can do this.   And, you will get closer and closer to the weight you were meant to be.

But you will feel anxious as you begin your journey back to a normal, thin person.  Dieting took this from you.  It completely corrupted your relationship with eating.  You ate fruitcake, even though you hate fruitcake,  because you were so starved for something sweet you dug it out of the back of your cabinet.  But you CAN get it back.

And although it is a big change, it is permanent.  You will never have to diet again, and so, long term, it is 1000% worth it.  I am not exaggerating.